blu12 art – more than just music

Some more recent art: “On the way to conceptual performances” (until this page gets updated 😉 )

blu12 book

“Winzige Welten (tiny worlds) – Eine Reise entlang der Brandung von Musik, Worten und Fotografien” is available now! Immerse yourself into this symphony of ocean vibes, lyrics and inspirational writings. This book is music seen through words and photographs – a collection of 12 original blu12 songs meant to give you a new perspective on life an living with yourself.



Find out more about the book and get a look inside here: “inside tiny worlds”

blu12 literature:

Over a timespan of more than 20 years, blu12 has been writing lyrics, poems and short prose. Some of those words have been part of literature events, lyrical programs and of course blu12 music. Many of them have never seen any audience. That’s why I’m glad to announce, that a collection of original blu12 literature will be released soon.


blu12 photography:

blu12 music has a wide range of “colors”. Some are always connected to the ocean. blu12 has spent much time finding inspiration at various coasts around the world. During those periods, many wonderful photographs were taken. Those will be available at blu12 concerts soon.