the price of art | 6, drugs & rock’n’roll? – Volume 23

„6, drugs & rock’n’roll? Let’s rock all 12!“ – Volume 23

blu12, ambient acoustic rock, live music, one-man-band, music experience, songwriter, singer, gitarrist, atmospheric sounds, worlds of sound, live musik, events, festivals, ngo, endless sunset stage, paradise express podcast show, rock'n'roll, artist, Künstler, vanlife, von wegen 6 drugs & rock'n'roll - jetzt gibt's auf die 12, we rock all 12, inspiration


There are more than 3,000 kilometers between me and madness and between these lines a secret that the waves of distant shores wash casually around until every guess is just a grain of sand on an endless beach.

If in the eyes of the audience all the individual tones, subtle vibrations and messages always merge into a larger whole, only to be decoded in a new way elsewhere, then why anticipate details?

Why try to create a form with theoretical models and factual lists that often does nothing more than steal the magic from the art?

“it is how it is”

I have now gone through many phases: the phase of “this is how it is”, the level of “this is how it could and should be”, the road of explanation, the path of deconstruction. Now I have the feeling that I’m back at the beginning, albeit different than before. It is an eternal spiral, but viewed from a different perspective, a constant circling into ever higher spheres.

blu12, ambient acoustic rock, live music, one-man-band, music experience, songwriter, singer, gitarrist, atmospheric sounds, worlds of sound, live musik, events, festivals, ngo, endless sunset stage, paradise express podcast show, rock'n'roll, artist, Künstler, vanlife, von wegen 6 drugs & rock'n'roll - jetzt gibt's auf die 12, we rock all 12, inspiration

Does it matter where I am, what I’m doing and in what condition? Sometimes the answers to these questions are paradisiacal, sometimes depressing, sometimes grueling and sometimes meaningless. I have reached a point in my journey where I have to change tracks: it is no longer enough to have this one road in this one direction with a vague or specific destination. Rather, it is a multidimensional path in an open direction with uncertain waypoints.

the price of art

What remains, however, and is probably more crucial, are the lessons learned from that journey. For me, right here at this moment, it is the price of art that looms over me like a sword of Damocles and the only way forward is: to learn to transform this sword into something that is useful to me and takes me further.

The price of art is not a number, does not have a currency, nor does it have a fixed value. It resets itself like a random counter with every step. It’s like an endless auction of a work of art, where you’re constantly asked what your next bid is. How far, how high do you want to go? Subjectively speaking, you could say: the price is high. In fact, it’s more like speculating on the stock market: the stakes are high, the risk is high, and the return value is never guaranteed.

With that in mind, I leave you with one final thought:

There was never more to lose, never more to gain than in this very moment.


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