blu12 origins

blu12 origins:

blu12 is the result of more than 20 years diving ever deeper into the realms of art and culture. It’s pure passion that drove his desire to create music, lyrics, poems, short prose, photos and ideas around life’s essential questions. blu12 never only was about entertainment but rather about important messages people could relate to. His works always reflected the power of love, the need to move forward through hard times, building dreams and learning to make them real. Through the years there have been several names, bands and projects that each set one stone on top of another until there had to be a moment of breaking it all down to the essential parts of what was really important: one man, one idea and a will to bring it to life.

back to the roots

The very origin of blu12 really goes back to a small child, walking a promenade in the warm summer sun, listening to a guy playing music while the waves of the Atlantic ocean were roaring pleasantly in the background. This notion stuck to his mind and more than a decade later, blu12 was born.