Do you hear your calling?

… just some thoughts, a little poetry, something to think about for a second.

When you start listening

There comes a day when all your thoughts, all your ideas, just everything you can think of lead into one direction. It’s not a narrow path nor a wide field, rather a calling that whispers as subtle as the wind on a quiet summer night.

This soft and easy calling may seem like a distant dream in your mind, that turns up every now and then just to get silenced by a wink of your eyes, a new impression that keeps you busy, a new task that waits on your to do list. But it sure as the rising sun will return and spark – even if just in the very corner of your eye.

That sparkle in your eyes, in your mind, in every sense you allow to feel it can be pleasent, warming up your thoughts, giving you the feeling of something big yet to come. Maybe it even keeps you on track, makes you just a little more confident and daring in your steps – well then – keep those steps coming!

But any such whispering, this calling you can feel will get stronger over time and you have a choice: leave it unanswered and live with the consequences or make it your guide for change, your motivation for the next step, your reassurance of being on the right track.

Your calling may come from the ocean, your guitar or just from within yourself. Feed it or let it starve – you make the difference! Will you end up with dying dreams or building your life to unfold your potential? And as you continue you will find out that it’s never about the certainty to not break your strings while playing but rather about accepting uncertainty and always bringing an extra set of strings.

Uncertainty is what should make you move rather than sitting still. Like the ocean – always changing tides but never the same. Any shore you will find is different than the one before. Still you will always instantly recognize the ocean. Be the ocean, be just one wave after the other.

And once again you can hear your calling and as you raise your eyes you will see the horizon line. Let this line be your very first frontier, the very least distance you aim for when shouting out your soul, your every feeling, your own unique call!

Pain is your friend, it assures you that you are alive and that you are facing obstacles. It’s always about the work you put in, the ongoing effort to keep pushing day after day after day. That is life, that is living and it’s not possible without suffering. That’s where your strength grows, that’s the very necessity I feel in my fingers during every chord I play, every song I sing and every performance I give. It must hurt to become less painfull to become great someday.

And finally there is a chance that your calling will get louder, more frequent and more challanging to meet. And there will be at least one point where it’s not about single steps anymore. There will be obstacles you can’t overcome with just a small secure step. That’s kind of where I’m at right now. Yes, sometimes not even a small leap will be enough. You will have to jump and you will have to leave behind some things. But it’s absolutely worth it not to say: inevitable. let’s get there!

blu12, live, music, one-man-band, experience, songwriter, singer, atmospheric sounds, soulfood machine, worlds of sound, martin schütz, live musik, events, festivals, ambient acoustic rock, endless sunset stage